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第61组 rise 1)  rise [英][raɪz]  [美][raɪz]  兴起 1. On the Rise of Modern Chinese Outlook of Value Management and its Reason;  当代中国价值观管理兴起及其原因探析 2. A Tentative Study of the Rise of A Shatuo Regime——the Later Tang Dynasty;  试论沙陀政权后唐的兴起 3. a topic that arouses, provokes, stimulates, etc a lot of interest  能引起、 激起、 唤起...很大兴趣的话题 4. arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement.  不能引起兴趣、注意、好奇心或兴奋的。

5. the audience joined in, with joy;  听众高高兴兴地一起唱着;

6. On “Xing“ --Discuss on the Basic Meanings of “Xing“;  “兴”意综述——从“兴”的本义谈起 7. She pursed her lips with dislike.  她不高兴地噘起嘴唇。

8. He was a little keyed up because of her.  他为了她有些兴奋起来。

9. capable of arousing interest or curiosity.  能引起兴趣或好奇心的。

10. The lecture aroused my interest.  报告引起了我的兴趣。

11. Politics have never interested me.  政治从未引起我的兴趣。

12. This aroused no interest in them.  这没有引起他们的兴趣。

13. He jumped up with joy.  他高兴的跳起来了。

14. Villefort started with joy.  维尔福则高兴地跳起来。

15. A little wine would warm you up.  喝点酒会使你兴奋起来。

16. His business is looking up now.  他的生意现在兴旺起来。

17. (of drugs e.g.) able to excite or stimulate.  (药)能刺激或引起兴奋的。

18. At first Whopper was very pleased.  起先华勃非常高兴。

2)  rise [英][raɪz]  [美][raɪz]  崛起 1. Blooming of Eastern Originality under Adversity:The Rise of Thailand Furniture Design;  逆境中绽放的东方创意——泰国现代家具设计的崛起 2. Several Factors of the Rise of Modern British Hegemony;  论近代英国霸权崛起的几个要素 3. The Reasons for the Rise of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry and Its Inspiration;  印度医药产业崛起的原因与启示 4. The December 9th Movement rose in revolt in Beijing.  一二九运动崛起于北京。

5. New cities grow up into desert.  新的城市在沙漠中崛起。

6. The Rise of the Manchus - Qing  满洲政权的崛起-清朝 7. Speech Excerpts by Specialists at the Symposium on the Rise of Central Plains and Middle Areas of China; 中部崛起与中原崛起座谈会专家学者发言摘要 8. A Brief Analysis of the Sudden Rise of Shanghai Leased Territory after the Small Sword Society Uprising 略论小刀会起义后上海租界的崛起 9. The rise of China could trigger all of the above reactions.  中国的崛起同样可能引起上述反应。

10. The culture of Lingnan( the South of the Five Ridges region) witnessed its dynamic development first in the ancient Guangxin County during the Han Dynasty. 岭南文化至汉代开始崛起,而其崛起之地是在古代的广信县。

11. The Rising of the Sport Power Country and Enlightenment-The Strategic Value of the Prior Rising of China Sports; 大国体育崛起及其启示——兼谈中国体育“优先崛起”的战略价值 12. Rise of the Great Powers: A Typological Analysis;  大国崛起的类型学分析——兼论中国和平崛起战略的可行性 13. The Development of International Law and the Rise of Big Country--Discuss International Law Environment of China's Peaceful Rise 大国崛起与国际法的发展——兼谈中国和平崛起的国际法环境 14. growing strength  日益发展着的力量,崛起的力量 15. To speak of China's“ rise” is to suggest its reemergence.  谈到中国的崛起让人想到它的复兴。

16. Peaceful Rise:Development Path with Chinese Characteristise  和平崛起:具有中国特色的发展道路 17. This led to the ascendancy of Bismarck.  这一切最后导致了俾斯麦的崛起。

18. One such trend would be the rise of China.  一个明显的趋势是中国的崛起。

3)  rise [英][raɪz]  [美][raɪz]  上涨 1. Based on the research of building enterprise countermeasure under man-made cost going up;  基于人工成本上涨下的建筑企业对策研究 2. It is very important for construction enterprises to realize the current level and development trends of labor cost in construction industry. 对当前我国建筑行业的人工工资水平、劳动条件、社会保障、人工费比重等问题进行了分析,在此基础上,从劳动者自身追求、国家经济持续发展、建筑行业特点以及国家对劳动者权益保护的加强等角度,分析说明了我国建筑人工成本必然不断上涨这一规律。

3. The fluctuation and rise of silver price have produced great impact on the low-voltage electrical contact industry where silver is the main raw material. 白银价格的波动上涨,对以白银为主要原材料的低压电触头行业产生了很大的影响。

4. A rise or increase, as in prices or enrollment.  上涨,增加价格或招生人数的上涨 5. As costs have been risen, prices have spiraled up to match them.  由于成本上涨,价格也随着飞速上涨。

6. A raise in the price of an item for sale.  涨价某种出售物价格的上涨 7. “He was like the rising tide raising all boats.  ”“他就像上涨的潮水,水涨船高。

8. The price of cigarettes is going up/Cigarettes are going up (in price).  香烟价上涨了[香烟涨价了]. 9. Prices keep going up to even more impossible levels.  物价不断上涨,涨到不可思议的地步。

10. Price generally advanced on the stock market  股市上的价格普遍上涨 11. Prices are rising, falling, going up, going down, shooting up, plummeting, etc.  物价在上涨、 下跌、 上升、 下落、 猛然上涨、 骤然下跌等. 12. Price is rising, falling, going up, going down, shooting up, plummeting, etc  物价在上涨、下跌、上升、下落、猛然上涨、骤然下跌等 13. Price be rising , falling , go up , go down , shooting up , plummet , etc  物价在上涨、 下跌、 上升、 下落、 猛然上涨、 骤然下跌等 14. The river was swollen with melted snow.  河水因融雪而上涨。

15. The rising flood carried her away.  上涨的洪水将她冲走了。

16. Overall, prices are still rising.  大体说来,物价仍在上涨。

17. Prices are on the upward trend.  物价有上涨的趋势。

18. And it is a growing trend in Japan, too.  在日本也有上涨的趋势。

4)  rise [英][raɪz]  [美][raɪz]  升高 1. In view of the problem on rise of electrolyzer voltage in ion-exchange membrane caustic soda in our factory,a set of reasons were analyzed,and lots of correlation measures have been adopted to eliminate the rise. 针对我厂离子膜烧碱生产中出现的槽电压升高的问题,认真分析了其产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决措施。

5)  rise [英][raɪz]  [美][raɪz]  矢高 1. The influences of arch rigidframe bridge of different rise and different slant leg angles are computed and analyzed,and a contrast analysis diagram is drawn as well as some suggestions to the related engineering are put forward. 以一拱型刚架人行桥为基础,采用有限元分析方法,用ANSYS通用程序建立多个不同参数的空间三维实体模型,计算并分析了不同矢高、不同斜腿倾角对拱型刚架桥受力性能的影响,画出对比分析图,对相关工程设计提出了一些建议。

6)  rise [英][raɪz]  [美][raɪz]  上山 1. The article introduces the reasonable layout of rise face on floor rock in the steeply pitching seam. 急倾斜煤层采区上山组的布置,经历了沿煤层倾斜布置,到沿煤层底板中布置的过程,实践证明,上山组布置在煤层底板岩石中,较为合理。





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